OnlineTable: Class to access csv files one row at a time by named columns.

James Durbin bio photo By James Durbin


Here is a handy class I use to simplify accessing a CSV or TAB file one line at a time. I feel like I’ve seen this somewhere else also. I hope it’s not just in GINA! Anyway, sometimes the simplest things are the most handy so it bears repeating even if it is. Suppose you have a file, beer.csv, that has a header describing the columns followed by rows of data like:


OnlineTable allows you to go through the file a row at a time and parse it like this:

new OnlineTable("beer.csv").eachRow{row->
  println "brand: "+row.brand
  println "calories:"+row.calories

Or, if you prefer the map notation, you can use it like:

new OnlineTable("beer.csv").eachRow{row->
  println "brand: "+row['brand']

OnlineTable automatically inspects the header to determine if it is a CSV or TAB delimited file.


Part of my kitchen-sink of everday functionality, durbinlib. Simply clone and ant build, and add to CLASSPATH and PATH:

git clone git://
cd durbinlib
ant install
export PATH=$PATH:pathtodurbinlib/scripts/ 
export CLASSPATH=pathtodurbinlib/target/jar/*


An early version of the source, illustrating how it is implemented:

* Support for accessing a table one row at a time.
class OnlineTable{
	String fileName
	def OnlineTable(String f){
        fileName = f
	def eachRow(Closure c){
	  new File(fileName).withReader{r->
	    def headingStr = r.readLine()
	    def sep = determineSeparator(headingStr)
	    def headings = headingStr.split(sep)
	      def rfields = rowStr.split(sep)
	      def row = [:]
	def determineSeparator(line){
	  def sep;
	  if (line.contains(",")) sep = ","
	  else if (line.contains("\t")) sep = "\t"
	  else {
	    System.err.println "File does not appear to be a csv or tab file.";
	    throw new RuntimeException();