Create/open OmniOutliner notebooks from command line

James Durbin bio photo By James Durbin

I like to use OmniOutliner as a lab notebook, and I like to be able to create/open notebooks from the command line. The OS X ‘open’ command will open an existing file, but I didn’t see any obvious way to run OmniOutliner from the command line and tell it to create a new file. So I created an empty OmniOutliner file and dropped in ~/Documents/template, then wrote a little script to copy that template and open it if it doesn’t exist, or open the pre-existing file if it does. Simple and effective.

#!/usr/bin/env groovy 
*  A simple little script to open up a file in OmniOutliner
*  creating a default file if the file does not already exist. 
*  Run it like:
*  omni newNotebook

def omniFile
if (args[0].contains(".oo3")){
  omniFile = args[0]
  omniFile = "${args[0]}.oo3"

// Get our home directory..
env = System.getenv()
home = env['HOME']

// If there is no omni outline file there, copy a template over...
if (!(new File(omniFile).exists())){
  "cp -r $home/Documents/templates/OOTemplate.oo3/ ${omniFile}".execute()

// Open the desired file..
"open ${omniFile}".execute()